Security Considerations
Security Considerations
For information about different types of ThingWorx Analytics security considerations, see the following topics:
Security Overview – Includes a diagram of security points and information about general security measures.
TLS Support for Analytics Server APIs – Provides information about TLS support, available to protect interactions with the internal Analytics API layer. Includes instructions for generating a self-signed TLS certificate.
TLS Support for ThingWorx – Provides information about TLS support for the communication between ThingWorx Analytics and ThingWorx Foundation. Includes instructions for importing a ThingWorx TLS certificate manually or through the installer.
TLS Support for ZooKeeper – Provides information about TLS support for connections between ZooKeeper and both the Async Microservice and the Analytics Common Workers. Includes instructions for creating a self-signed certificate and for extract and importing the certificate to the appropriate truststore.
TLS Support for RabbitMQ – Provides information about TLS support for connections between RabbitMQ and both the ThingWorx server and the Flink service. Includes instructions for creating configuration files, generating certificates and keys, and configuring ThingWorx for TLS connection with RabbitMQ.
TLS Support for Flink – Provides information about TLS support for both external and internal Flink connections. Includes instructions for generating truststores and certificates.
Updating Passwords for Auto-generated Truststores – Describes how to update the passwords for truststores that are automatically generated during ThingWorx Analytics and Platform Analytics installations. Includes the keytool command and the file path where each truststore is located in the installation directory.
Updating Encrypted Keys and Passwords – Describes the update-encrypted-password script, available to simplify the task of updating encrypted passwords and keys.
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