Servigistics InService Administration > System Utilities > Server Status
Server Status
From the Server Status utility you can view an overview of server processes. You can access this utility by clicking System Utilities on the administration home page, and then clicking Server Status. The Server Status utility generates the values on the page to provide an overview of the status of important server processes, including the number of current active users on your system.
If you are in a clustered environment, you can see the status of the processes on all machines in the cluster.
Page Organization
Links displayed at the top of the page include the following:
The Contact Technical Support link allows you to send server status information to PTC Technical Support and associate it with an existing support call number. For more information, see Viewing and Sending Server Information.
The Monitoring Tools link (available only to users in the site Administrators group or to users listed in the wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteAdministrators property). For more information, see Using the Monitoring Tools.
When displaying data that has caused the page to scroll, you can click any Back to top link to return to the top of the Server Status page.
Red text displayed on the page indicates areas of concern. If the red text represents calculated values, the values presented have exceeded the configured thresholds. For threshold information, see Understanding Server Status Threshold Values.
The timestamps at the bottom of the Server Status page indicate the time frame in which the presented data was collected.
Status Information Details
The table on the page provides the following:
Information on the server itself.
Available memory information from the host system.
The data resides in the rows under the Method Server Data title. This data is grouped so that you can easily find information about things like memory usage, operating system statistics, servlet requests, and method contexts. The servlet requests are further grouped according to which web application is processing the request:
Servlet Requests: General servlet requests represent those requests going to the Windchill web application.
Many of the status indicators on the Server Status page provide two data points that are identified by the Recent and Baseline column headings:
The value stored under the Recent column heading provides data about the most recent interval that was captured. The value presented in the Recent column reflects system information gathered from a short time ago until the present moment. Clicking a linked value in a Recent column takes you to a live graph of the data that constantly updates. (To return to the Server Status page, use your browser’s back button.)
The value stored under the Baseline column provides comparison data that is based on the statistics available since the last baseline reset was done from a JMX client or, if no reset was done, since the last start up of the process. Use the baseline statistics to provide a long-term view of what is normally occurring in the system since startup. You can choose to reset the statistics to capture a specific historical view for some reason. For example, you can reset the baseline statistics if you have applied some change that does not require a restart or reset the baseline statistics immediately prior to conducting a benchmark.
Not all statistics provide a reset option; when available, the resetBaselineStatistics operation on the corresponding MBean allows you to reset a specific statistic. For MBean details, see the following section.
Clicking a linked value in a Baseline column takes you to a historical graph of the data. (To return to the Server Status page, use your browser’s back button.)
Status indicators such as the memory usage indicators and the Uptime statistic only provide one value that applies to just the current instant rather than data aggregated over a time interval. In these cases, there is no baseline provided.
MBean Details for Server Status Page Fields
Many of the values displayed on the Server Status page are calculated using JMX MBeans. The following table shows the Server Status page field label and then identifies the MBean path and attributes that are used to generate the field value:
Server Status Field
MBean Path
MBean Attributes
com.ptc > Dumper
When the value is Yes, it is displayed as red text.
Available System Memory
Load Average (available for non-Windows servers)
com.ptc > java.lang > OperatingSystem
SystemLoadAverage (available for non-Windows servers)
com.ptc > java.lang > Runtime
Time In Garbage Collection
com.ptc > Monitors > GarbageCollection
Perm Gen
com.ptc > Monitors > Memory
CPU Used by Process
com.ptc > Monitors > ProcessCpuTime
Method Contexts
Method Context Time
com.ptc > Monitors > MethodContexts
Servlet Requests: <type>
where types of servlet requests are:
com.ptc > WebAppContexts > webAppContext > Monitors > ServletRequests
where the web application context is the /InService web application path.
Attributes for all values except Active Sessions
Servlet Requests: General
Active Sessions
com.ptc > WebAppContexts > windchillWebAppPath > Monitors > ServletSessions
Current Active Users
com.ptc > Monitors > ActiveUsers
Master Server Manager
com.ptc > ServerManager
Attributes are used to determine which server manager is the master server manager and to display the remote access JMX URL for each server manager (assumes the user is a system administrator and remote access has been configured).