Servigistics InService Administration > Download Center
Download Center
The Download Center utility allows Servigistics InService administrators to view and manage the service information update data packets available for download by offline systems. For information on the server configurations necessary for using the Download Center utility, see Deploying a Servigistics InService Offline System.
Launch the Download Center utility by clicking Download Center on the administration home page.
Information is displayed for each packet in the Download Center utility, including the following items:
Repositories—A repository, also referred to as a segment, is a physical separation or content holder for one or more collections. The value displayed indicates the repository or repositories from which the data packet was created. Packets with a value of SHARED are automatically downloaded to each offline system when it connects to the web system. Other packets can be downloaded only if the offline system’s profile settings grant it access to the product family identified in the Repositories column.
Collections—Collections are a means for dividing and loading data into Servigistics InService. The value displayed identifies the collection or collections that are contained within the packet, and their versions. Packets are downloaded in version order.
Packet Type—Indicates whether the packet contains a full or incremental update. Incremental packets contain only the changes made since the previous packet version. The first data packet downloaded for a particular repository must be a full packet. Incremental packets contain a single collection.
Software Version—The software version of the Servigistics InService system from which the packet was created. The software version of the offline system must match the major version portion of the Software Version value for the packet to successfully download. For example, if the software version of the packet is, then the software version of the offline system must be 6.3.
From the Download Center utility, you can take the following actions:
Sort the table by clicking individual column headings.
Find specific data packets by entering text in the Find repositories or collections field. The table is filtered for matching values in the Repositories and Collections columns.
Hide a packet by clearing the checkbox in the Published column. Hiding the packet makes it temporarily unavailable for download. Select the checkbox to make the data packet available for download again.
Create an export of a packet for manual distribution by clicking the download icon . The Name value is used for the name of the exported file.
Remove a packet from the list of packets available for download by clicking the delete icon next to the packet. You can also remove multiple packets by selecting the checkbox next to each packet, and selecting Remove from the Selected drop-down list. Select all packets by selecting the checkbox next to the Selected drop-down list.
Adding Data Packets to the Download Center
Full or incremental data packets are automatically added to the Download Center utility when certain tasks are run in the Task Manager:
For full data packets, run the Create Full package for Offline task.
For incremental data packets, run the Transform and Load with Collection task.
Packets are not added to the Download Center utility unless the necessary server configurations have been completed. For more information, see Deploying a Servigistics InService Offline System.
For more information on the Task Manager, see TAL Task Manager Overview