Working With Transform Templates
To map data types between SFDC and Max, you use the Transform Template object, which includes the following fields:
Mapping Object: This is the referenced Max object, which is valid only for the following actions:
create relation
delete relation
Action: This is an option list field, which supports the following values:
create relation
delete relation
For example, when you specify the create action, all input data is transformed first, and then the creation operation is executed on the mapping object for the transformed record.
Field Mappings Operation: This is the referenced Max operation, which is used to process field mappings before input data is transformed. For example, you can specify an operation to convert an SFDC field name based on the configured SFDC namespace.
Field Mappings: This is a single JSON text field used to define field-level mapping. For example, the following mapping code defines SFDC-to-Max user sync:
"io_external_id": "Id",
"io_uuid": "Id",
"io_username": "Username",
"io_email": "Username",
"io_first_name": "FirstName",
"io_last_name": "LastName",
"io_active": "IsActive",
"io_password": "literal('ServiceMax')"
Custom Field Mappings: This is a single JSON text field used to define customizations to Field Mappings code. Values in this field overwrite Field Mappings values.
Transform Operation: This is the referenced Max operation used to process transformed data, which if configured, does not execute the default action function provided by the transform manager.
If Field Mappings values are specified, input data are transformed first and then used as parameters to the operation.
Identifier: Used to identify the current Transform Template record.
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