Configuring Service Board for Service Board-to-Salesforce Real-Time Sync for Custom Objects
After you configure Salesforce to support Service Board-to-Salesforce real-time sync for each custom object in your system, you must create transform templates and HTTP Notification Request records for the Create, Update, and Delete events and define a transform rules Setting on the Service Board side.
You must configure real-time sync separately for each custom object in your Service Board tenant.
To configure real-time sync for custom objects in both directions between Salesforce and Service Board, special configuration steps are required. For more information, see Configuring Two-Way Real-Time Sync for Custom Objects.
To configure Service Board for Service Board-to-Salesforce real-time sync for custom objects:
1. In Max Designer, on the Developer Tools () launchpad menu, click Transform Templates, and then in the list view, in the top left corner, click Create ().
2. On the record page, complete the fields as follows to create a Transform Template for the Create event for the relevant custom object, and then in the top left corner, click Save and Close ().
Enter text that starts with the name of the custom object for which you are creating this template, for example, Custom Object Create Transform.
Prepend svmx_ to the auto-populated identifier, for example,svmx_custom_object_create_transform
Mapping Object
The name of the custom object to which you want to map the specified fields, for example, Custom Object.
Field Mappings Operation
The name of the operation you want to use to map fields, for example, SFDC Namespace Transform.
Field Mappings
"eventName": "'create_custom_object'",
"payload": {
"objectName": "'Custom_Object__c'",
"fields": {
"Name__c": "payload.fields.svmx_name",
"OwnerId": "payload.fields.io_owner"
"io_uuid": "payload.fields.io_uuid"
3. Create two more Transform Templates for the Update and Delete events for the relevant custom object with the following field values.
Enter text that starts with the name of the custom object for which you are creating this template, for example, Custom Object Update Transform.
Prepend svmx_ to the auto-populated identifier, for example, svmx_custom_object_update_transform.
Mapping Object
The custom object for which you are creating this transform template, for example, Custom Object.
Field Mappings Operation
The name of the operation you want to use to process and merge field mappings, for example, SFDC Namespace Transform.
Field Mappings
"eventName": "'update_custom_object'",
"payload": {
"objectName": "'Custom_Object__c'",
"criteria": {
"Id": "payload.criteria.io_external_id"
"fields": {
"Name__c": "payload.fields.svmx_name",
"OwnerId": "payload.fields.io_owner"
"io_uuid": "payload.fields.io_uuid"
Enter text that starts with the custom object for which you are creating this template, for example, Custom Object Delete Transform.
Prepend svmx_ to the auto-populated identifier, for example, svmx_custom_object_delete_transform.
Mapping Object
The custom object for which you are creating this transform template, for example, Custom Object.
Field Mappings Operation
The name of the operation you want to use to process and merge field mappings, for example, SFDC Namespace Transform.
Field Mappings
"eventName": "'delete_custom_object'",
"payload": {
"objectName": "'Custom_Object__c'",
"criteria": {
"Id": "payload.criteria.io_external_id"
4. In Max Admin, on the System Management () launchpad menu, expand the System Management section and click HTTP Notification Requests, and then in the list view, in the top left corner, click Create ().
5. On the record page, complete the fields as follows to create an HTTP Notification Request record for the Create event for the relevant custom object, and then in the top left corner, click Save and Close ().
The name you want to use for the HTTP Notification Request record, for example, Create Custom Object.
Related Object
The custom object for which you are creating this HTTP Notification Request record.
Event Type
Condition Operation
Integration Condition
Ready To Send Operation
Integration Ready To Send
HTTP Method
Body Operation
Get Body for Create
Headers Operation
Integration Headers
On Success Operation
Set External ID
On Failure Operation
On Failure
On Error Operation
On Error
6. Create two more HTTP Notification Requests for the Update and Delete events for the relevant custom object with the following field values.
The name you want to use for the HTTP Notification Request record, for example, Update Custom Object.
Related Object
The custom object for which you are creating this HTTP Notification Request record.
Event Type
Condition Operation
Integration Condition
Ready To Send Operation
Integration Ready To Send
HTTP Method
Body Operation
Get Body for Update
Headers Operation
Integration Headers
On Success Operation
Leave this value blank.
On Failure Operation
On Failure
On Error Operation
On Error
Observed Fields Tab
Link the specific fields that you want to configure to trigger Update event HTTP Notifications on value changes, for example, Name.
The name you want to use for the HTTP Notification Request record, for example, Delete Custom Object.
Related Object
The custom object for which you are creating this HTTP Notification Request record.
Event Type
Condition Operation
Integration Condition
Ready To Send Operation
Leave this value blank.
HTTP Method
Body Operation
Get Body for Delete
Headers Operation
Integration Headers
On Success Operation
Leave this value blank.
On Failure Operation
On Failure
On Error Operation
On Error
7. In Max Designer, on the Administration () launchpad menu, click Settings, and then in the list view, in the top left corner, click Create ().
8. On the record page, complete the fields as follows and then in the top left corner, click Save and Close ().
SFDC Real-Time Sync Customize Transform Rules
Short Description
The purpose for the setting, for example, Salesforce Integration. Optional.
Applicable Application
Service Board
Auto-populates with a value based on what you enter in the Name field.
Default Value
"svmx_custom_object_create_transform": [
"id": "svmx_custom_object_create_transform"
"svmx_custom_object_update_transform": [
"id": "svmx_custom_object_update_transform"
"svmx_custom_object_remove_transform": [
"id": "svmx_custom_object_remove_transform"
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