Service Board > Max for Administrators > Map Configuration > Configuring Resource Location Timeout Settings
Configuring Resource Location Timeout Settings
On the Map tab, in the Resources subtab, users can update location information for single Resources or for all Resources in a Service Team or Territory. By default, Resource location data refresh requests time out after 10 seconds. In busy high-volume environments, at times when location data cannot be retrieved successfully even when valid Resource location data was recently reported, you can adjust timeout settings.
Before you configure a longer timeout interval to address this issue, ensure that the following conditions are met:
PubNub is correctly configured.
Mobile applications are correctly configured and running in the foreground or background, and technicians are logged into mobile apps.
Device operating system updates have not placed mobile applications into suspended states to conserve battery power.
Resources related to location data refresh requests are technicians and not Crews or Equipment, and are associated with an active user with a valid external ID.
To configure Resource location timeout settings for single Resources:
1. In Max Designer, on the Administration () launchpad menu, click Settings, and then in the list view, click Resource Location Request Timeout (in seconds).
2. On the record page, on the Overview tab, in the Default Value field, set a value of up to 50 seconds, and then in the top left corner, click Save and Close ().
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