Real-time Optimization Behavior
The following are RTO expected behavior points:
1. If the AllowManageDispatchedNode property is set to set to True, update and remove actions are allowed for dispatched work orders and events.
◦ A remove call is made and the scheduling-related fields of the work order are cleared when you cancel a dispatched work order at the end of the day.
Contact ServiceMax Support to enable the AllowManageDispatchedNode property in the backend.
◦ When you update the scheduling fields of a dispatched work order, an update call is made to incorporate the changes and the work order's Scheduling Status is changed to Tentative.
2. Return drive time is calculated for a non-work order event without a geolocation when it is the last element in the run, as the technician needs to return home.
3. Route inactivation occurs when:
◦ Overlapping events are created.
◦ There is no sufficient drive time to reach the event.
◦ The start time of the event is in the dispatch threshold and the end time is in the optimizable area.
4. When the AllowUnreachablePillars setting is enabled, route inactivation occurs when:
◦ Overlapping events are created.
◦ There is no sufficient drive time to reach the event.
◦ The start time of the event is in the dispatch threshold and the end time is in the optimizable area.
5. The unassigned work orders are chosen for scheduling on the resumption of the job or technician update.
6. The minimum address details required for a work order are:
◦ Zip + Country
◦ Latitude + Longitude
7. The RTO job goes into the IDLE state when there are no elements to optimize for an hour. The time duration value is predefined and is not configurable.
The job goes into the IDLE state when all the work orders for the dispatch process are dispatched and there are no work orders with the Scheduling Status as Tentative.
8. When the Service Team is already populated for a work order, the Dispatch Status of the work order is set to Queued and the work order will not be considered for the RTO job run.
9. The Drive Time field value provided manually in the work order or the event is overridden by Schedule Optimization.
10. Schedule Optimization recalculates the drive time when an element in the technician route is readjusted. However, if the readjustment makes the route inactive, travel times for the non-optimizable elements are not calculated.
11. The following are the use cases where scheduling-related fields of the work order are cleared:
◦ When an OPT_UNASSIGNED message is received, Schedule Optimization clears the scheduling-related fields.
◦ The scheduling-related fields are cleared automatically in the following example use cases:
▪ The PST and PET values are checked when the work order is updated. If the PST and PET values are outside the dispatch horizon, a cancel call is made and the scheduling-related fields are cleared.
▪ If the work order no longer satisfies the entry criteria of the dispatch process when it is updated, a cancel call is made and the scheduling-related fields are cleared.
▪ If a work order is cancelled manually, the scheduling-related fields of that work order are cleared.
12. A work order should qualify the criteria defined in the dispatch process for it to be populated with a dispatch process. At the same time, the dispatch process should be valid and must be saved successfully. If either of the two conditions is not met, work orders are not populated with the dispatch process, and in turn, are not considered for scheduling.
The dispatch process must be valid and active.
13. The following are some of the scenarios in which a work order is rejected or unassigned by Schedule Optimization:
◦ The work order is not qualified for the dispatch process criteria.
◦ The work order has a Required skill populated based on the skill match rule and no technician has the required skill for the associated territory.
◦ The technician calendar is full or the routes are inactive.
◦ The distance between the work order location and the technician location exceeded the maximum distance defined in the technician record.
◦ There is not enough intersection between the work order access hours and technician working hours.
◦ PST and PET values are outside the dispatch horizon.
◦ The work order does not have valid and accurate information. For example, Address, Zip, Country, Latitude and Longitude, and the Service Duration fields are null.