Address Validation for Events
The following are recommended best practices to create event location validation rules that allow you to ensure that event addresses are populated correctly.
• If latitude-longitude information is provided instead of an address, it should be valid latitude-longitude.
• If the provided latitude-longitude coordinates contain more than 6 decimals, the coordinates are truncated to 6 decimals.
Address Validation Rules for the United States of America
A few best practices are that the address values should contain:
• Any of these special characters
◦ comma (,)
◦ hash (#)
◦ hyphen (-)
• Two-letter state abbreviations such as
◦ NY for New York
◦ NJ for New Jersey and so on
• ZIP code of five or nine digits such as
◦ 42223
◦ 33701-4313 and so on
Address Validation Rules for Canada
A few best practices are that the address values should contain:
• Any of these special characters
◦ comma (,)
◦ hash (#)
◦ hyphen (-)
• Two-letter state abbreviations such as
◦ ON for Ontario
◦ AB for Alberta and so on
• Postal code in A1A 1A1 format, where A is a letter and 1 is a digit with a space separating the third and fourth character such as
◦ K1A 0B1
◦ H0H 0H0 and so on