Configuration Settings
The functionality of Remote Triage is configurable and is driven by ServiceMax configuration settings. The settings are grouped under the module ServiceMax AI and submodule Aquant Integration. The following table lists all the settings.
Setting ID
Setting Name
Setting Description
Default Value
Update when the investigation is complete
Investigation can be started from any of the objects - Case, Service Request, Work Order, Installed Product. By default, the setting value is set to blank. If you want to start the investigation from a specific object, you can provide the respective object API name in the setting value. Also, when the investigation is complete, this particular object will be updated with the investigation reference.
Select the record type for work details while copying the parts recommendation
This setting determines the record type to be created for Work Details when a work order has reference to an Investigation. By default, the record type is "Usage / Consumption". The Line Type "Parts" with the selected record type are created for each of the part recommendations.
Apply this field map when creating work details from the investigation parts.
This setting applies field mappings defined between Source Object "Investigation Part" and Target Object "Work Detail" when creating Work Details of Line Type "Parts" for each of the Investigation Parts.
Default line quantity for the party line
This setting specifies the default value to be set for the "Line Qty" field during the creation of Work Details for Line Type "Parts". By default, the value is set to 1.
Used to set the default line quantity for the part line. For more information, see Workflow.
Probability threshold that should be considered for each Investigation line
This setting specifies the threshold value which determines the creation of work details.
The work details record is created only if the value of the field "Probability" in "Investigation Parts" is equal to or greater than the threshold value set in this setting.
Apply this field map when creating labor entries from investigation solutions
This setting applies field mappings defined between Source Object "Investigation Solution" and Target Object "Work Detail" when creating Work Details of Line Type "Labor" for each of the Investigation Solutions.
Create Labor entries for soft solutions
This setting determines the creation of Work Details of Line Type "Labor" when the investigation solution is a soft solution. Note that Soft solutions are solutions given without suggesting parts.
Expression to filter Investigation records
Provide an SFM Expression to filter Investigation records.
Expression to filter Investigation solutions
Provide an SFM Expression to filter Investigation records.
The following global setting (Module: Common, Submodule: Global Settings) is also used.
Setting ID
Setting Name
Setting Description
Default Value
Apply CRUD, FLS, and Sharing Settings in the ServiceMax online app
This setting applies CRUD, FLS (Field-Level Security), and Sharing Settings for Aquant and all other features in the ServiceMax online application. This setting determines the deletion of Work Details.
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