Android and iOS
You can add attachments to any header record if the Create or Edit SFM transaction has a Documents and Images & Videos section. The ServiceMax Go app does not impose any limit on the size of attachments downloaded or added. If the size of each attachment exceeds the maximum limit supported by Salesforce, which is 25MB, sync fails with the error message: File size is greater than the maximum allowed file size (25 MB).
If you set the global setting GBL037 to True, all attachments are saved as Salesforce Files.
You can add attachments to any header record if the Create or Edit SFM transaction has Images & Videos and Documents tabs. The ServiceMax Go for Windows app does not impose any limit on the size of attachments added. If the size of each attachment exceeds the maximum limit supported by Salesforce, which is 25MB, an error message is displayed.
If you set the global setting GBL037 to True, all attachments are saved as Salesforce Files.