Go > Resources > Important Considerations
Important Considerations
Operator Behavior for Picklist Values in Expressions
Special consideration should be given while using the Equals operator for picklist values in expressions. Suppose there are comma-separated picklist values in a single expression with the Equals operator. In that case, it is recommended to make separate expressions for each picklist value with the Equals operator and use the OR logic between them. The comma-separated picklist values with the Equals operator are considered a single value.
Managed Package Updates with Deprecated Fields
Special consideration should be given when updating non-ServiceMax managed packages. Managed packages typically add custom fields to existing Salesforce objects. When these custom fields are deprecated in package updates, the deprecated fields can impact sync on the ServiceMax Go app. When updating a managed package, it is recommended to note any deprecated fields and remove permissions from those fields for any profiles that will sync with the mobile app.
Strict Enforcement of Salesforce Platform Security
Sync Gateway strictly enforces all platform security and permission set settings for objects and fields based on the current user's profile. As a result, if the user cannot access SFM or any other configuration, reference objects, or fields, the initial sync may not complete successfully.
Data and Configuration Update Considerations
Sync Gateway maintains a cache of the configuration settings (platform, mobile config, and SFM configuration) to increase performance and reduce the interaction required with Salesforce. As a result, special considerations should be made when trying to refresh configuration updates on the mobile device.
With the current Sync Gateway implementation, every Sync makes a Salesforce API call to find the user's personal information, ServiceMax profile, and multi-currency configuration.
With Sync Gateway v1.4, user info is cached to reduce Salesforce API calls. User must perform Initial or Config Sync under these circumstances:
If a user's ServiceMax profile is changed.
If a user's personal information, like the user name, is changed.
If the multi-currency configuration is changed.
Service Flow Manager (SFM) Update
Any updates to SFM configuration are reflected on the mobile app after configuration sync is completed.
Mobile Configuration Updates
Any configuration updates using Mobile Configuration will require configuration sync on the app to apply those updates. These updates include but are not limited to download criteria, advanced download criteria, and synchronization settings.
Certain mobile configuration settings, such as Download Criteria, Event Window, and Advanced Download Criteria, affect what data will be downloaded to the device. As a result, the user must complete configuration sync followed by data sync to see all the changes from these configuration updates.
Platform Updates
Any platform-level updates, such as object and field permission changes, creation/deletion of objects and fields, and any other platform-level changes that directly impact objects/data being utilized by ServiceMax, require app reset for all changes to be correctly reflected on the app.
Viewing, Creating, and Editing records when the user does not have read access permission for a field
If a field (or fields) on the View/Edit/Create SFM layout lacks Read Access (or visibility) for the user's profile, the field will not be available for the transaction based on field-level security.
The following behaviors are expected:
View SFM - The field(s) are not displayed on the view.
Create or Edit SFM - The field(s) are not displayed.
For qualification criteria scenarios, the process does not qualify for use, or the record is not displayed.
For formulas, data validation rules, code snippets, mappings, or any other method that attempts to reference the field(s): The field(s) is/are unavailable, and the result reflects the lack of availability.
Related Records on View and Edit SFMs
ServiceMax Go View and Edit screens are designed with the expectation that parent records contain only a reasonable amount of qualified related records. Due to this design, performance issues may be observed when the number of related records on a parent record exceeds 100. Older devices with low amounts of available RAM may see increased performance issues when many related records are displayed.
Session Settings
In the Security Controls > Session Settings section of the Salesforce Setup, ensure that the Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated option is not selected.
The setting is incompatible with ServiceMax Go as the IP address of Sync Gateway is different from the IP address of the user's device on which the Go app is installed and authentication is established.
Transferring Ownership of a Record
If a technician is required to transfer the ownership of a record, the permission for Transfer Record must be enabled in Salesforce for the profile associated with the technician. When this permission is not enabled, attempting to transfer the ownership of the record results in an "insufficient access rights on cross-reference id" sync error.
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