Drip Feed
The Drip Feed feature allows for an extra layer of control when determining which events and related records (within the event window) are downloaded to the client.
Drip Feed settings can be accessed on the server by navigating to ServiceMax Setup > App Administration.
Choose to Edit the relevant Profile from the Group-wide Configuration Settings.
Choose “Dispatch Management” for the Module, and “Drip Feed” for the Submodule.
The following two settings determine whether events and related records are downloaded for the profile.
Dispatch Management - Drip Feed
Setting Id
Setting Type
Default Value
Setting Name & Details
Name: Enable Drip Feed. Details: Controls when events and related records are downloaded to mobile client applications. If True, only drip-fed events and records are downloaded. Else, all events and related records are downloaded. This setting is used in conjunction with SET002.
Name: Drip Feed fields.Details: Comma separated list of checkbox fields for determining drip-fed events and related records that should be downloaded to mobile client applications. This is applicable when SET001 (Enable Drip Feed) is True.
The fields in SET002 will be handled with an “OR” operator; if any of the fields are checked, the relevant events and related records will be downloaded. For SET002, only one field per object will be considered from the comma-separated list. For instance, the feature does not support multiple drip-feed fields being configured for Work Order.
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