Mobile Timesheet
Timesheet refers to details of the time spent by the technicians each day. Mobile Timesheet UI is a targeted user experience around the existing functionality within the ServiceMax core platform. Technicians record the time spent by them during different activities in different ways. The activities include Work Detail records of type Labor and Travel, calendar events for non-Work Order related work, and time spent to execute a task. The activities need to be converted to a standard format and consolidated to enable tracking, summarizing, and reporting on the time spent by technicians each day.
The key features of this functionality are:
It helps the technician to visualize and download the timesheet on the mobile timesheet UI.
It enables the technician to add, edit, and delete non-work order time entries.
It enables the technician to view work order time entries.
It synchronizes work order time entries generated by the timesheet engine on the mobile timesheet UI.
It also enables the technician to submit the timesheet to their managers for approval.
The primary building blocks of the timesheet record are:
Timesheet: Timesheet is the highest level of consolidation and is associated with a technician, for a configured span of days (weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly).
Timesheet Daily Summary: Timesheet Daily Summary is a child record of the Timesheet record, and represents consolidation per day, for each applicable day in the span of the Timesheet.
Time Entry: Time Entry is the granular entity that records the actual time spent per activity. The activity can be a work detail, event, or task. It is a child record of both Timesheet and Timesheet Daily Summary records. Time entries can be categorized as follows:
Work Order time entries: Work Order events, Labor and Travel Work Detail lines, ServiceMax events, and Salesforce events qualify as Work Order time entries.
Non-Work Order time entries: Meetings, Training, Sick, or Paid leaves, qualify as Non-Work Order time entries.
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