Recent Items > View Records
To view records:
Records are grouped by the objects they belong to, and are sorted in reverse chronological order by default so that the most recently accessed record is always on the top. For example, work order records are displayed under Work Order, installed product records are displayed under Installed Product, and so on.
The maximum number of recent records listed across all objects is 100. Once the limit is reached, when you access another record, the oldest recent item is automatically removed from the Recent Items list.
On launch, the page loads with all object groups collapsed. Tap the up/down arrow for each object to collapse/expand the group to view the records. Expansion/collapsing is persisted within the session.
Tap the Last Accessed column to toggle the sort order. The sort order is persisted within the session.
Search for records by the record's name field or timestamp values using the Search text box.
Tap anywhere on the required record's row to view it.
Records accessed from Account / Product History will appear in Recent Items if the view is configured by your administrator.
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