Tracking Attributes History
Changes to attribute values are tracked in order to provide a historical view of their past values. These values are used for trend analysis and for any preventive maintenance. The changes are tracked for each day, and if an attribute’s value is changed multiple times on the same day, then the values are overwritten. The latest value entered is considered as the Current value and the first value replaced in the day is considered as the Previous value and values after the previous value is considered Next value.
The following example explains the attribute value with a scenario:
When an attribute value is captured for the first time and is set to 10, a new history record with the value 10 is created. The current value of the attribute is 10.
When the attribute’s value is changed from 10 to 30 on the following day, a new history record with the value 30 is created. The current value of the attribute is now 30 and the previous value is 10.
If the attribute value is changed on the same day from 30 to 40, no new history record is created but the current value of the attribute is updated to 40.
If the attribute value is changed from 40 to 50 on the next day, then a new history record with the value 50 is created. The current value is now 50 and the previous values will be 40 and 30. The next values (values next to previous values) will be 40 and 50.
Additionally, changes to attribute values are recorded while in offline mode and synced to the server when online. A history record is created for each day an attribute value was recorded offline.
For example, when attribute values are captured over a period of four days in offline mode and synced to the server when online on the fourth day, a history record is created for each day.
While multiple history records are maintained on the server, these values are viewed on the mobile app by tapping the Updated, Next, and Current links.
See Also:
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