Recent View Process
There is no configuration option to define a default view process for any object. A view process can have qualifying criteria, and a record might not meet the qualifying criteria of a default process. So, the concept of recent view process is used instead of default view process.
When you access a record and there is no ‘recent view process’ remembered by the app (this happens if you have not switched to a different view process for any record previously):
The first matching process is automatically chosen from the list of all the available view processes.
If you switch to a different view process and the record meets the qualifying criteria of that process, then the view process to which you switched is identified and remembered as the recent view process.
When you access a record and there is a ‘recent view process’ remembered by the app:
The recent view process is automatically chosen, if the new record meets the qualifying criteria of that process.
If the record does not match the qualifying criteria of the recent view process, the list of view processes is evaluated from the top and the first matching view process is chosen.
If you switch to a different view process and the record meets the qualifying criteria of that process, then the view process to which you switched is identified as the recent view process.
First Matching View Process
The list of available view processes is evaluated in the order in which it is displayed under the Actions menu. This is not a sorted list. But, the standard view processes will be generally listed at the top. The standard view processes do not have qualifying criteria and so will apply for all the records. That is why a standard view process is likely to be the default view process for any record, until switch view is done.
Recent view process is remembered even if the user logs out of the app and logs in again.
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