Tree Refresh
The tree is not refreshed (teams, territories, and technicians are not added, modified, and removed from display) when Work Order Grid or Calendar is refreshed. Dispatch Console has to be re-launched to refresh the tree.
One exception to this is when the Show Route action is invoked for a technician, and the selected technician's data is auto-refreshed before plotting the route. This is to ensure the use of technician's latest location data (latitude and longitude if available, else address) when plotting the route.
Normally, technician's location indicates the home location, and this is not expected to change frequently. However, to get technician's current location plotted on the map so that nearby work orders can be assigned in real time, customization can be done to update the technician's location with current location as and when the technician reaches a location. In this case, home location is stored in new custom fields.
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