Target Records
One SPM Account Summary record is created for the unique combination of Account – Metrics Definition (Calculation Method & Configuration Name) – Date Range (Start Date & End Date), and the mapping for all metrics is done as follows:
Target Field
Value Derived From
Metric object > Account
Value of Account lookup field in the metric object record.
Calculation Method
Metric object > Calculation Method
Hardwired value saved in the source metric record.
Configuration Name
Metric object > Configuration Name
This is an internal reference to the specific metric definition record, which identifies it distinctly amongst the multiple definitions possible for a given metric. For Average Response Time metric, the name of the response (Initial Response Time, Onsite Response Time, Restoration Time, or Resolution Time) is appended to the internal reference, to enable filtering for specific response type records.
End Date
Last date of the applicable month
Month is based on the key date field in the source metric record, as listed below:
First Time Fix: Fixed On Mean Time To Repair: Service Delivered On – Date
Contract Up Time: End Date Attach Rate: Processed On Mean Time To Complete: Service Delivered On Average Response Time: Service Delivered On Repeat Visit: First Incident On.
Metrics Description
Description defined for the metric in SPM Setup screen
Metric Value
Average value calculated for the metric
Calculated as follows: Sum of Value/Valid Count / Total Record Count
It can be a percentage (e.g. for First Time Fix and Contract Up Time) or a number (Mean Time To Repair minutes and Mean Time To Complete minutes), and the unit of this value is stored in the Unit field.
Start Date
First date of the applicable month
Month is based on the key date field in the source metric record, as listed below:
First Time Fix: Fixed On
Mean Time To Repair: Service
Delivered On – Date
Contract Up Time: Start Date
Attach Rate: Processed On
Mean Time To Complete: Service Delivered On
Average Response Time: Service Delivered On
Repeat Visit: First Incident On
Sum of Value/Valid Count
Summation of metric field values, or Count of valid metric records processed
The value depends on the metric, as given below:
First Time Fix: Count of processed records that have Is Fixed First Time? set to True.
Mean Time To Repair: Sum of Labor Time – Sum of Dead Time (minutes)
Contract Up Time: Sum of Guaranteed Up Time – Sum of associated Total Down Time (minutes).
Attach Rate: Count of processed records that have Covered By set to Contract, Warranty, or Warranty and Contract.
Mean Time To Complete: Sum of Completion Time (minutes) Average Response Time: Sum of actual time (minutes) for the type of response (initial, onsite, restoration, or resolution)
Repeat Visit: Count of processed records that have Repeat Visit? set to True.
Total Record Count
Count of the qualifying source records processed
Minutes or Percent
The unit associated with the Metric Value.
For a given Account – Metric Definition (Calculation Method & Configuration Name) – Date Range (Start Date & End Date) combination, if a target record already exists, it is updated.
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