Target Records
One Mean Time Between Failure Detail record is created per Installed Product per run. The mapping of MTBF record fields are done as follows:
Target Field
Value Derived From
Installed Product> Account
Value of Account lookup field configured in
SPM Setup > Settings tab
Calculation Method
Metric definition
Hardwired to SPMMTBF Formula
field: Actual Up Time ÷ Number of Work Orders where as Actual Up Time = Expected Up Time - Down time
Configuration Name
Internal reference to metric definition
Expected Up Time (In Mins)
The time between the Installed Product's created date and the SPM engine run date, calculated based on the applicable Business Hours.
The Installed Product's created date is taken from Installed Product, if it is not blank
The value of Business Hours lookup field configured in SPM Setup > Settings tab is considered if non-null; else, organization’s default Business Hours are considered.
Installed Product
Work Order > ‘Installed Product’
Value of qualified Installed Product lookup field configured in SPM Setup > Settings tab
Down Time
Sum of the Down Time (In Mins) field values of all the child SPM Down Time Detail records/Sum of the difference between Created On Date field and Fixed On Date field.
Roll-Up Summary field
Actual Uptime
Difference between Expected up time and Actual down time
Hardwired to SPM Actual Up Time formula field.
(Expected Up Time – Total Down Time) / Work Orders
Formula field
If any additional mapping is defined through custom SFM mapping, then additional attributes must be mapped from the source object to the metric object. The following SFM mapping features are supported:
Additional mapping (one or two additional fields to consider if the primary source field is blank) defined for any field.
Any static values defined for fields.
SFM Literals used to define default values for date and date-time fields.
In the SPM Down Time Detail record create each run, for each Installed Product, and Fixed On Date fields, when the Considered Downtime from field is set to Work Order. This creates the Down Time records if Considered Downtime from is Down Time.
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