Analytics and Dashboards > Dashboards and Reports > ServiceMax Parts and Inventory Reports
ServiceMax Parts and Inventory Reports
The following table lists ServiceMax Parts and Inventory reports.
Report Name
Consumption Trend by Location (Quantity)
Stock consumption trend (quantity) by location
Consumption Trend by Location (Value)
Consumption Trend (Value) by location
Consumption Trend by Partner (Quantity)
Stock consumption Trend (quantity) by Partner location
Consumption Trend by Partner (Value)
Consumption Trend (Value) by Partner location
Delayed RMAs
Opens RMAs past the scheduled release date.
Parts Below Reorder Level
Shows the inventory levels of each stocking location and displays a chart of how many of each product family need to be ordered to get back to desired levels.
Parts Below Reorder Level by Partner
Parts Below Reorder Level by Partner
Pending RMAs
Lists RMAs that are due today and in the future.
RMA/Shipment Backlog for Partners
RMA/Shipment orders past the scheduled return/shipment dates for Partners.
Shipment Backlog
Shipment orders past the scheduled shipment dates.
Stock Quantity By Location
Stock quantity by location
Stock Quantity by Partner Location
Stock quantity by Partner location
Stock Value By Location
Stock value by location and family
Stock Value by Partner Location
Stock value by Partner location
This Week's RMA/Shipments for Partners
List of Materials expected to be returned and Shipments expected to be sent this week for Partners.
This Week's RMAs
Material expected to be returned this week.
This Week's Shipments
Shipments expected to be sent this week.
Today's RMA/Shipments for Partners
List of Materials expected to be returned and Shipments expected to be sent today for Partners.
Today's RMAs
Material expected to be returned today.
Today's Shipments
Shipments expected to be sent today.
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