Installation and Setup > Customizing ServiceMax > Custom JavaScript Snippets Support > Sample Code Snippets > Scenario 1: Validating Datetime Field for Overlapping Time Entries
Scenario 1: Validating Datetime Field for Overlapping Time Entries
A technician adds overlapping time entries (start time or end time) during work order debrief. An error message is displayed on the respective datetime field.
Sample Snippet
This sample code snippet detects overlapping time entries on Labor Usage lines in the detail object Work Detail. The snippet is configured on the On change event of the End Date Time field of Work Detail in a typical debrief SFM. The snippet considers all records in the client database for validations, including the un-synced records.
$event.get(function(record) {
console.log('in snippet: event response = ', record.currentRec);
var parsedRecord = JSON.parse(record);
var currRecStartDate = parsedRecord.currentRec['SVMXC__Start_Date_and_Time__c'];
var currRecEndDate = parsedRecord.currentRec['SVMXC__End_Date_and_Time__c'];
var currentRecordId = parsedRecord.currentRec.Id;
$sfm_records.get(function(unsavedSfmRecordString) {
var unsavedSfmRecord = JSON.parse(unsavedSfmRecordString);
console.log('in snippet: sfm_record response = ', unsavedSfmRecord);
var conflictLocalLaborLines = [];
var sectionKeys = Object.keys(unsavedSfmRecord.details);
for (var secIdx = 0; secIdx < sectionKeys.length; secIdx++) {
var eachSection = unsavedSfmRecord.details[sectionKeys[secIdx]];
if ( === 'Labor') {
var laborLines = eachSection.lines || [];
for (var lineIdx = 0; lineIdx < laborLines.length; lineIdx++) {
var eachLaborLine = laborLines[lineIdx];
if (eachLaborLine['SVMXC__End_Date_and_Time__c'].fieldvalue.value >=
currRecStartDate && eachLaborLine['SVMXC__Start_Date_and_Time__c'].fieldvalue.value <= currRecEndDate && eachLaborLine.Id.includes('local') ) {
var filterCondition1 = {
sequence: 1,
left_operand: 'SVMXC__End_Date_and_Time__c',
operator: '>=',
right_operand: [currRecStartDate],
right_operand_type: 'Value'
var filterCondition2 = {
sequence: 2,
left_operand: 'SVMXC__Start_Date_and_Time__c',
operator: '<=',
right_operand: [currRecEndDate],
right_operand_type: 'Value'
var filterCondition3 = {
sequence: 3,
left_operand: 'Id',
operator: '!=',
right_operand: [currentRecordId],
right_operand_type: 'Value'
var filterCondition4 = {
sequence: 4,
left_operand: 'SVMXC__Line_Type__c',
operator: '=',
right_operand: ['Labor'],
right_operand_type: 'Value'
var queryParams = {
object: 'SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c',
fields: ['SVMXC__Actual_Quantity2__c', 'SVMXC__Billable_Quantity__c',
'SVMXC__Start_Date_and_Time__c', 'Name'
filter: [filterCondition1, filterCondition2, filterCondition3, filterCondition4],
Order: [{
queryField: 'SVMXC__Actual_Quantity2__c',
sortingOrder: 'ASC'
AdvancedExpression: currentRecordId ? '(1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4)' : '(1 AND 2 AND 4)'
$db.get(queryParams, function(queryParams, response) {
console.log('in snippet : db response = ', response);
if (!response.error) {
if (response.results && (response.results.length || conflictLocalLaborLines.length)) {
var names = [];
for (var i = 0; i < response.results.length; i++) {
$env.get(function(environment) {
status: 'error',
error: 'Validation_error',
error_message: 'Environment == ' + environment + '--------Time overlapped with ' + names.join(", ") + 'and ' + conflictLocalLaborLines.length + ' unsynced records',
} else {
status: 'success',
error: '',
error_message: ''
} else {
status: 'error',
error: res.error,
error_message: res.error_message,
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