Installation and Setup > Configuring ServiceMax > Configuration Model > Relationship of Salesforce and ServiceMax Profiles
Relationship of Salesforce and ServiceMax Profiles
A Salesforce Profile is a group or collection of settings and permissions that define what a user can do in Salesforce. These include object and field permissions, tab settings, page layouts, record types, login hours and IP ranges, Apex class and VF page access, etc.
Following are the relationships between Salesforce profile and ServiceMax configuration profile:
A Salesforce user is always associated with one and only one Salesforce profile.
A global ServiceMax configuration profile is not associated with any Salesforce profile.
A group ServiceMax configuration profile is associated with one or more Salesforce profiles.
A Salesforce Profile can be associated with one and only one group profile.
A Salesforce profile need not necessarily be associated with any ServiceMax group profile.
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