Processing Individual Shipment Order Items
You can edit each shipment order line record and enter shipment information. This is done when there are any discrepancies between expected quantity and date and actual (shipped) quantity and date.
1. In the related list section of the Parts Order Lines, click Edit next to the shipment order item you want to receive and process.
2. Enter the actual ship date. You can enter today’s date by just clicking the date link next to the date field.
3. Enter actual quantity shipped.
4. Enter the name of the service engineer who should be notified upon shipment. This could be a field service engineer awaiting the shipment to complete a Work Order.
5. Enter the name of customer/field location where the product is shipped or use the Lookup icon to search and select the location.
6. Change the Line Status to Completed and then click Save.
7. When you have completed all the line items in the Shipment Order, edit the Shipment Order, change the Order Status to Closed, and then click Save.