Processing PM in the Backend
When the PM Process runs, each PM Schedule record that is processed performs one of the following:
For non-recurring PM Schedules: PM Process deletes the PM Schedule record and updates the ‘Processed’ checkbox in the associated PM Schedule Definition to TRUE.
For recurring PM Schedules: PM Process calculates the new ‘Scheduled On’ date as Last Run Date + PM Schedule Definition.
If the ‘Scheduled On’ date is Less Than or Equal To the PM Plan End Date, the PM Process will update the PM Schedule record’s ‘Scheduled On’ date and ‘Last Run Date’ fields with appropriate values.
Otherwise, the PM Process will delete the PM Schedule record
When the PM Process runs, PM History record(s) are created, according to the following configuration:
Coverage Type = Account: One history record is created
Coverage Type = Product or Location: One history record is created per covered IB/Location in the coverage related lists
All PM History Records have lookup references to Work Order, PM Schedule Definition, and Preventive Maintenance Coverage
Email Notifications of success/error are sent to the email addresses configured within the PM Process setup
Successful Execution Notification: Optional to Configure
Failed Execution Notification: Mandatory to Configure
If Logging is enabled in the PM Process Setup, a detailed log file attaches to success/failure email
If the Owner of the PM Plan is an active user in the org, a PM Plan Task record is created (in the PM Plan related list) to log processing status.
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