OOTB Reports and Dashboard
OOTB Dashboard
Dashboard Name
Account Summary
Shows monthly trends for multiple metrics derived from work orders, installed products, contracts, and warranties, with data grouped by Account.
OOTB Reports
Report Name
Account Summary for FTF
The monthly trend of the percentage of work orders fixed during the first visit of the technician, grouped by account.
Account Summary for MTTR
The monthly trend of the average time (in minutes) taken to deliver the fix, grouped by account.
Account Summary for Contract Uptime
Latest metric trend data of the average percentage of actual uptime of installed products against the uptime guaranteed in contracts, grouped by account.
Account Summary for Attach Rate
Latest metric trend data of the attach rate of installed products to contracts, warranties, both, or none, grouped by account.
Account Summary for MTTC
The monthly trend of the average time (in minutes) taken to complete work orders from the time of creation, grouped by account.
Account Summary for ART Initial Response
Initial Response Monthly trend of the average Actual Initial Response Time in minutes, grouped by account.
Account Summary for ART Onsite Response
The monthly trend of the average Actual Onsite Response Time in minutes, grouped by account.
Account Summary for ART Restoration Time
The monthly trend of the average Actual Restoration Time in minutes, grouped by account.
Account Summary for ART Resolution Time
The monthly trend of the average Actual Resolution Time in minutes, grouped by account.
Account Summary for Repeat Visit
The monthly trend of the percentage of work orders that required a repeat visit against the total work orders that got fixed, grouped by account.
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