Metric Data Generation
Metrics are automatically generated by SPM Engine on schedule, with these results:
SPM – Average Response Time records are created, one per qualified work order, with the following additional work order filters applied:
Created Date is greater than today minus the value of SET005 (default: 60 days).
Last Modified Date (of primary work order, case, service request) is greater than the last execution time of the SPM Engine.
None of the Work Order fields configured as source fields for SPM – Average Response Time records are blank.
Refer to the Metrics Calculation section for the metric generation logic. It provides the details of mapping attributes from the source object to the metric object.
If an SPM – Average Response Time record exists for a work order already, it is not updated and that work order is not processed again.
One ServiceMax Job record is created per scheduled run, with the execution log recorded in an attachment (includes batch & record count, and record details).
ServiceMax Job records older than a month (not configurable) are deleted.
Email notifications are sent about job execution status (success/failure), with details of the execution.
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