Installation and Setup > Configuring ServiceMax > Service Org > Service Teams > Service Team Management Console > Managing Expertise of a Service Team or Technician
Managing Expertise of a Service Team or Technician
To manage expertise of a service team or technician:
1. Select the service team or technician record. Any existing expertise records associated with the selected record appear at the bottom in the Expertise tab as shown in the following screenshot:
2. To add one expertise record, click Add Expertise. Select the Skill using the Lookup icon.
3. Enter Skill Level.
4. Enter the Skill Effective From and Skill Effective Up To dates, if applicable.
5. To add more than one expertise record, enter a keyword to search for Skills and click Go!. All Skill records matching the keyword is displayed. Select one or more records from the resulting set and then click Add Selected. The selected records are added to the list on the left, if not already added.
6. Click Save. Alternatively, to delete one or more records, select the records and click Delete. Click OK when prompted for confirmation.
7. To return to the setup home page, click Back To Setup Home on the Top section.
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