Launching from Home Page
If you need Dispatch Console to load all the data – work orders, technicians, and events for the expanded teams– before you can perform any operation, and not use background loading to allow some operations when the loading of data is in progress, perform the following steps:
1. Create a Custom Link at Salesforce Setup > App Setup/Build > Customize > Home >Custom Links – New with the following attributes:
Label: Dispatch Console Alt
Name: Dispatch_Console_Alt (auto-populated)
Behavior: Execute JavaScript
Content Source: OnClick JavaScript (default value)
The script in the Custom Button or Link Editor long text area field:
varurlString = '/apex/SVMXC__Dcon_DispatchConsole?isdtp=mn';
varstrCommnutniyName = '';
strCommnutniyName = "{!$Site.Prefix}";
if(strCommnutniyName.length != 0)
urlString = strCommnutniyName+urlString;, '', 'resizable=1,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1');
{, '', 'resizable=1,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1');
2. Include the above custom link (Dispatch_Console_Alt) to a custom component of type Links and add this component to the required home page layouts.
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