Execution Tab
You can choose to generate the metrics on demand for Technician Utilization using this tab. You can perform the following actions in this tab:
Report Latest job: You can click this button to generate the Schedule Optimization Metrics for the latest Schedule Optimization job run, as records of SPM Scheduling Technician Utilization and SPM Schedul Tech Utilization Constraints objects. Latest job is identified as the latest successfully completed job of any dispatch process of
method Optimized Batch.
Report Job(s) By Timeframe: You can use this option to generate the Schedule Optimization Metrics for specific job(s). Following are the options allowed for filtering the jobs:
Start Date and End Date: The date range within which the successfully completed Schedule Optimization jobs have to be listed.
Dispatch Process Name: Name of the dispatch process for which above date range is applied to filter the jobs, or All to filter the jobs of all the Optimized Batch method dispatch processes in the org.
Filter the required jobs using the above criteria, select the required jobs, and generate the metrics by clicking the button Report Selected Job(s).
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