Data Model Details
This section lists the key objects used in Dispatch Console HTML5, and the details of these objects as relevant to the Dispatch Console.
Usage Details
Service Team
Service Team's location information (latitude and longitude if non-null, else Street, City, State, Country, and Zip fields) is required for plotting in map.
Dispatcher Access to the team is required for the logged in user, for the team and the technicians in the team to be listed in the team tree view.
Technician must be active (Active flag in the technician record must be checked).
There must be an associated Salesforce User or Enable Scheduling must be checked for Calendar operations to be enabled.
If global configuration setting GBL025 is set to ServiceMax Event, Enable Scheduling must be checked, even if there is an associated Salesforce User.
Location information (Street, City, State, Zip, and Country) is required for plotting in map.
Working Hours (Business Hours lookup) are used to validate if an event being created/edited starts within the working hours.
If you are upgrading from Dispatch Console Flash to Dispatch Console HTML5, the object is called User.
Dispatch Console Settings store the User Settings for the logged in user.
Is Super Dispatcher? must be checked for Dispatcher users who need to deploy user settings to other Dispatcher users.
User Preference
If you are doing a fresh installation of Dispatch Console HTML5, the object is called User Preference.
Dispatch Console Settings store the User Settings for the logged in user.
Dispatcher Access to the territory is required for the logged in user, for the territory and the technicians associated with the territory to be listed in the territory tree view.
Working Hours (Business Hours lookup) are used to validate if an event being created/edited starts within the working hours, for technicians in the territory, if technicians’ Working Hours are blank.
Work Order
On new event creation, Driving Time (in Minutes), and Service Duration (in Seconds) are taken as the default values for Drive Time and Service Time in the New Event window.
Technician, Service Team, Dispatch Status, Scheduled Date Time, Owner, Locked By DC, Driving Time (in Minutes), and Service Duration (in Seconds) are updated on scheduling events, and on assigning/unassigning work orders.
Location information is required for plotting in map. This includes fields Home Latitude, Home Longitude, Current Latitude, Current Longitude (if non-null), else Street, City, State, Country, and Zip fields.
Fields used for LJS and JDM events - Scheduling Options, Estimated Duration, Scope Change, Variance, Revised Estimated Duration, LJS Minimum Schedule Duration, Scheduled Duration, Unscheduled Duration, and Revised Duration.
Other fields used are based on various configurations such as Work Order Queue/View fields, Work Order search fields, Dispatch Console Field Updates, Event Subject Rule, Event Hover Rule, and Dispatch Console Hovers.
Expertise (with Skills lookup) & Products Serviced (with Product)
Used for search based on matching Work Order Product and Skill with Service Team's / Technician's skills and products.
This applies when Service Team/Technician Search Fields configured in Dispatch Console are Expertise and Product.
Salesforce Event
Technicians' calendar sharing with Full Access is required for Dispatcher users to manage the calendar of technicians.
ServiceMax Event
For technicians with Enable Scheduling checked, event records created are of this object type, under the following conditions:
- Technicians not associated with Salesforce User
- Technicians associated with Salesforce User, when global configuration setting GBL025 is set to ServiceMax Event
When creating a custom SFM transaction for ServiceMax Event, ensure that the WhatId field in ServiceMax Event is mapped to the Work Order's Id field. The Standard SFM mapping SVMXSTD: Create Work Order to Event can be used for this.
This mapping can be done only when the global configuration setting SET001 under module Work Order and submodule Manage ServiceMax Events is set to True (default value).
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