Custom Reports and Dashboard
Create a dashboard in a folder named SPM Dashboard with the unique name Repeat_Visit, to see the View Dashboard link in the SPM configuration screen for this metric.
Create summary reports with charts on SPM – Repeat Visit object, to get which products required a repeat visit for servicing within the specified timeframe.
Each SPM – Repeat Visit record, which corresponds to a work order with a repeat visit, (follow-up incident date is non-null) is flagged as such (Repeat Visit field).
Grouping and aggregation can be done on any of the following attributes:
By Technician (or Service Team or Service Manager).
By Installed Product, Product Warranty, or Service Contract.
By Repeat Visit Within (Days) – this value is auto-calculated as the difference between the first incident and follow-up incident dates).
First Incident On and Followup Incident On – Date are other attributes available OOTB for reporting.
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