Creating a Service Contract from a Service Plan
After creating a Service Plan, you can create a service contract from a service plan.
To create a service contract from a service plan:
1. In the Service Plan Detail area, click the Create a Contract button SFW (Service Flow Wizard) in the Other Actions toolbar. In the Service/Maintenance Contract area:
a. Enter the contract name in the Contract Name/Number text box.
b. In the Account text box, enter the account name or use Lookup to search for it.
c. Enter the Start Date or use the calendar to select a date.
d. In the SLA Terms text box, enter the SLA terms (Gold, Silver, Bronze) or use Lookup to find it.
e. Enter the name of the service plan you want to use in the Service Plan text box. Use Lookup to find it if necessary.
f. Enter the contact name in the Contact text box or find it using Lookup.
g. Enter an End Date or use the calendar to select a date.
h. If there are any notes, enter them in the Service Contract Notes section.
2. Click Save to save the service contract.
| Many of the terms and coverages listed in the Terms & Coverages tool bar in the SFW area of the Service/Maintenance Contract Detail screen have already been updated via the Service Plan. |
3. Activate the contract by clicking Active in the SFW (Generates the PM Schedules).
| Note: You can a activate service contract from the account as well. |