Cloning a Custom Service Contract Proforma Invoice Process
To clone a custom Service Contract proforma invoice process:
1. Select a process to clone, and click the Clone button.
2. In the General Info screen, update any of the text boxes.
When cloning a custom service contract Proforma invoice process, you must change the name of the Process ID. The Process ID must be unique.
3. Click the Invoice Rules Tab.
4. In the Service Contract Consolidation Rules area, select an option from the Consolidate based on picklist.
5. In the Mapping & Rules to Create Proforma Invoice area, update the picklists and/or checkbox if necessary.
6. Click the Source Update tab.
7. If necessary, update the Automatic field updates to Service Contract when proforma invoice is created area.
8. Click the Schedule & Notification tab.
9. Make any changes to the times and days to run the process in the Run At (GMT) and On These Days areas.
10. If necessary edit the recipients for the notifications and alerts in the Specify recipients of notification and alertsarea.
11. Click the Quick Save button to save the process.
12. Click the Save & Close button to save the process and return to the Standard and Custom Service Contract Proforma Invoice Processes screen.
13. Click the Cancel button to cancel the process.