Configuring Custom URL
As an administrator, you must configure a custom action of type URL to use it as a deep link.
Perform the following steps to configure a custom action of type URL.
1. Log in to your ServiceMax account with your valid credentials.
2. Navigate to > > .
3. Select the object.
4. Click New in the User-defined Custom Actions section.
5. Select the Action Type as URL.
6. Complete the required details.
7. Enter the URL in the following format:
◦ https://pnx-acd5:8443/ACD/delivery/modelsearch.jsp?
8. In the
Parameters section, create one or more URL parameters supported for the ACD navigation. For more information on the supported parameters, refer to
ACD Supported Parameters.
9. Click Save & Close.
The custom URL is created based on the configured parameters. For example:
• https://pnx-acd5:8443/ACD/delivery/modelsearch.jsp?model=WE Diesel Engine&sn=SUV_WE_DE_SN001
• https://pnx-acd5:8443/ACD/delivery/modelsearch.jsp?model=WE Diesel Engine&sn=SUV_WE_DE_SN001&infoType=Information,Troubleshooting,partsList,Media,IS,PS&keyword=Engine&language=it