• The coverage list is sorted by the End Date value in ascending order, by default. • You can identify the coverages by the end date indicators by the following color legends: ◦ Red icon: if the end date is within the next 30 days ◦ Orange icon: if the end date is between the next 30 to 90 days ◦ No icon: if the end date is more than the next 90 days ◦ Grey icon: if the end date is already passed, which means the coverage is expired |
• You can edit the entitlement note text box. • The Billing Type value is Contract if you select a Service Contract and Warranty if you select an Asset Warranty as coverage. • You can choose a billing type if you select No Coverage for the record, as displayed in the following screen. |
You need to pull the Work Order record screen to refresh the data that is updated by the service coverage. |