Viewing Location Asset Insights from Location
You can add the out-of-the-box A360 - Location Insights Dashboard aura component to the Location record. It provides your users the Asset data corresponding to the Location record selected from the Location hierarchy. It provides the following benefits:
It gives insights into all assets managed at the selected location.
Asset summary is rolled up to the selected location.
The dashboard aura component interacts with the Asset Hierarchy component. As a user navigates through the asset hierarchy, the respective Asset's location insights are displayed on the dashboard.
There can be the following ways to add a dashboard for your users.
Adding the aura component to the Location Lightning record page: This dashboard is interactive with the Location hierarchy. It shows the aggregate Asset data for the Location record and its sub-locations.
You must add the A360 - Asset Hierarchy component to the location record page to see the interaction between Asset Hierarchy and Location Asset Insights dashboard accessed from the A360 aura component.
Adding the Tableau dashboard directly to the Location Lightning record page: This dashboard shows Asset data for the current Location record that your user is on.
For either of the above scenarios, you should add a new tab under the Location record page for your users to display the corresponding Asset data.
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