Deleting Maintenance Plan Processes
To delete a maintenance plan process:
1. On the Maintenance Plan Processes page, click the drop-down menu in the row of the maintenance plan process you want to delete and click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed.
2. Click Confirm. The selected maintenance plan process is deleted.
Consider the following points when you delete any maintenance plan process.
What you delete
A regular maintenance plan process
If there is a default maintenance plan process, that process will be associated to the maintenance plans previously associated to the maintenance plan process you deleted.
If there is no default maintenance plan process, the maintenance plans qualifying for the process will no longer generate work orders. You must associate the maintenance plans to another maintenance plan process manually.
The default maintenance plan process
All the maintenance plans that are not associated with any maintenance plan process will no longer generate work orders. You must either associate those maintenance plans with a maintenance plan process manually or mark a maintenance plan process as default.
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