Defining Work Rule Templates for Maintenance Plan Template
When creating a Maintenance Work Rule Template at the Template header level, a user may define work rule details such as Work Type, Sort Order, and Recurrence Pattern specifically for the MPT. Work Rule Templates defined at the MPT header level generate Work Rule for the Maintenance Plan and are not associated with a Maintenance Asset.
To add a work rule template for the MPT:
1. Login to Asset 360 application with your credentials.
2. Navigate to the MPT tab. The list of MPTs is displayed.
3. Click an existing MPT. The MPT Details tab is displayed.
4. Navigate to the Work Rule Templates tab.
5. Click New Work Rule Template. The New Work Rule Template pop-up window is displayed.
6. Provide details for the following fields and click Save.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
General Information
Work Rule Template Title*
Title of the Work Rule Template.
Work Type
The indicated Work Type for this Maintenance Work Rule Template. The value in this field will be mapped to the ‘Work Type’ field on the Maintenance Work Rule created as part of a Maintenance Plan.
Sort Order*
A field for indicating the sort order of the Maintenance Work Rule Template. Sort Order sets the precedence that determines how work orders are generated when a maintenance plan or maintenance asset has two or more maintenance work rules generating a work order for the same date. The lowest sort order value takes precedence. This field’s Sort Order will be mapped to the Maintenance Work Rule created based on the Template.
Recurrence Pattern
Define the Recurrence Pattern in the following fields. Recurrence Pattern is a formula defined based on the values entered in the Schedule Every and End Schedule fields.
A field that stores the frequency and duration governing the generation of work orders for a Maintenance Plan. This field is populated by a rule generator provided as part of creating Work Rule Template records.
For more information, see the examples in the following table.
Schedule Every*
Select whether you want the recurrence pattern to be scheduled every day, week, month, or year and its respective options based on the selection.
End Schedule*
Specify the time period to end the schedule. Select any one of the following options.
never - The recurrence pattern will never end. This is the default option.
after - Specify the number of occurrences after which the schedule should end. If incorrect values are added, an appropriate error message is displayed.
on - Specify a date using the date picker on which the schedule should end. If incorrect values are added, an appropriate error message is displayed.
Examples of Recurrence Patterns are explained in the following table.
Schedule Every
End Schedule
Recurrence Pattern
1 Day
1 Week 1 Day (Wednesday)
after 1 occurrence
1 Month on Day 1
after 1 occurrence
1 Year Last Sunday of Feb
On Date: May 01, 2022
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