Asset 360 Suite > Asset 360 for Business Administrators > Service Process Manager > Transactions > Current Record/ Current Record Header/ User Literal Support for Transactions Runtime
Current Record/ Current Record Header/ User Literal Support for Transactions Runtime
The following sections display the supported current record, current record header, and user literal for Transactions Runtime.
Current Record
Edit Transaction/Flow- Header - Current Record Literal is supported on Value Map.
Edit Transaction/Flow - Child - Current Record Literal is NOT supported on Value Map.
Create Transaction/Flow - Header - Current Record Literal is NOT supported on Field Map.
Create Transaction/Flow - Child - Current Record Literal is NOT supported on Field Map and Value Map.
Current Record Header
Edit Transaction- Header - Current Record Header Literal is NOT supported on Value Map.
Edit Transaction - Child - Current Record Header Literal is supported on Value Map.
Create Transaction - Header - Current Record Header Literal is NOT supported on Field Map.
Create Transaction - Child - Current Record Header Literal is supported on Field Map and Value Map.
User Literal
User Literal is supported for Transaction flows.
Current Record Header mapping on the Mapping screen is supported only at one level. Multi-level mapping is not supported on Current Record Header Literal.
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