Overview of modeling and generating PikeOS 653 applications (ARINC for PikeOS code)
After you have modeled the ARINC 653 configuration and application startup code in a model, you can model the application itself.
Modeling PikeOS 653 applications
Add the Ada profile to your model to model an Ada application, or add the C Profile to your model to model a C application.
Model the application in the Application Project package that was created for the application while defining the application startup code. This ensures that the startup code and application code are generated to the same location.
Ensure that your application uses as an entry point the entrypoint operation that was created for the Process in the Application Project. If you want to use a different operation as an entry point, either:
Rename the entrypoint Operation, and use that Operation.
Create a new entry point Operation and ensure that you reference that Operation through the EntryPoint property on the Process tab of the Process' Property Pages
Generating PikeOS 653 applications
When you use ACS to generate your PikeOS 653 application:
Use the Application Package package as the root object for generation.
Use the folder that was generated for the Application Package as the target folder.
Use only the following ACS Code Generator DLLs:
For PikeOS 653 applications using Ada, use the Ada 95 Code Generator DLL.
For PikeOS 653 applications using C, use the C PikeOS653 Production Code Generator DLL.
For more information about using ACS, click here Overview of shadow