Overview of generating an ARINC 653 configuration and PikeOS 653 application startup code (ARINC for PikeOS code)
After you have modeled the ARINC 653 configuration and application startup code, use ACS to generate the configuration XML and application startup code for each application.
When you use ACS to generate the ARINC 653 configuration and startup code for applications:
Use the Package that owns the Integration Project and Application Projects packages as the root object for generation.
Use the PikeOSApexGen ACS Code Generator DLL to generate the configuration XML and application startup code.
ACS generates the configuration XML in the folder that is generated for the Integration Project package.
ACS generates the startup code of each application in the folder that is generated for the associated Application Project package.
After generated a configuration and application startup code, ACS detects any changes you make to the model and updates the configuration and application startup code accordingly.
For brief instructions on how to generate an ARINC 653 configuration and application startup code, click here Generating an ARINC 653 configuration and PikeOS 653 application startup code (ARINC for PikeOS code)