Application part (ARINC for PikeOS code)
An Application Part represents the use of an Application within a Partition. Application Parts are scoped to Partitions. Application Parts can be created explicitly on Partitions or implicitly via Partition Parts. Applications and their linked Application Projects are created automatically when an Application Part is created.
An Application Part models the <ProcessEntry> element of an ARINC 653 configuration. The <ProcessEntry> element is a child element of the <Partition> element's <ProcessList> element. Most of the <ProcessEntry> attributes are generated from properties of the Application that types the Application Part.
The structure of the <ProcessEntry> element is as follows for PikeOS:
ProcessEntry Name="" MaxPrio="" MaxChildTasks="" MaxThreads="" CmdLine="">
<ProcessMapEntry ResourceName="" VirtAddr="">
<ProcessFileEntry FileName="" HasEntryPoint="" ExecInPlace="" UsePool="" PoolName="">
ACS generates application startup code files for each Application Part. The application startup code creates the Partition's Blackboards, Buffers, Events and Semaphores; creates the Queuing Ports and Sampling Ports that are used by the Application Part; and creates and starts the Application Part's Processes.
Create an Application Part on a Configuration Diagram: click the Application Part button, and then click inside a Partition Part. You are prompted to specify the name of the application. When you create an Application Part on a Partition Part, the profile creates the following items in the model:
Application Part on the Configuration Diagram.
An Application Project in which to model the application.
An Application item that types the Application Part. The Application item is scoped to the Integration Project.
Specify the startup properties of the application through the Application Part's type (an Application): on the Application's Property Pages, click the Application tab, and then set the tagged values of the properties.
When shown on a Configuration Diagram, an Application Part's notation is as follows:
You can view all the Application Parts in the model through the Application Part folder in the ARINC 653 Profile pane.
An Application Part is based on a UML Attribute.
The following sections provide information about how an Application Part is used in the model.
Shown on these diagrams
ARINC properties
Note that the Name of the Application Part is generated as the Name attribute of the <ProcessEntry> element.
Additional properties can be set through the Application Part's associated Application.