For information about showing compartments on diagram symbols, setting up default view options and adding existing elements to the diagram, see the following topics:
• Click the Control Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline.
The source Resource Role must use an Organization Type, Person Role Type or Responsibility as its type, the destination Resource Role must use a System or Software as its type.
On the Select Conveyed Classifier dialog, create or select the Control element's conveyed classifier.
• Click the Operation (Service) Message or Operation (Service) Reply Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline.
When you create an Operation (Service) message, you are prompted to select the Operation (Service) you want to call. The available Operation (Service) elements are those Operation (Service) elements that are available through Service Port (Requires) and Service Port (Provides) ports.
In the following example, Resource Role1 appears on the SV-10c Systems Event-Trace Description. When Resource Role1 is the target of an Operation (Service) Message, Operation (Service)1 is available for selection.
Operation (Service)1 is available because the type of Resource Role1 is Organization Type2; Organization Type2 owns the port Service Port (Requires)1; the type of Service Port (Requires)1 is Service Interface1; and Service Interface1 owns Operation (Service)1.
Operation (System)
Operation (System) message represents an Activity (System) on an SV-10c Systems Event-Trace Description.
To create an Operation (System) message:
• Click the Operation (System) Message or Operation (System) Reply Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline.
When you create an Operation (System) message, you are prompted to create or select the Operation (System) that represents the Activity (System) you want to show on the SV-10c Systems Event-Trace Description.
If you create a new Operation (System), you must create or select the represented Activity (System). Modeler sets the name of the Operation (System) to that of the represented Activity (System).
• Click the Resource Exchange Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline.
On the Select Conveyed Classifier dialog, create or select the Resource Exchange element's conveyed classifier.
• Click the Resource Role toolbar button, and then click in free space on the diagram. From the Select Type dialog, create or select the type for the Performer Role you are creating.
• From a Modeler pane, locate the element that is to be the type of the Resource Role you are creating, and then drag that element to the diagram.
The type of a Resource Role can be a Performer (System), Organization Type, System Context, Person Role Type, System, Responsibility, Service Access or Software element.
Rule (System)
To create a
Rule (System): click the Rule (System) toolbar button, and then click in free space on the diagram.
To apply a Rule (System) to an element on the diagram: click the Note Link toolbar button, click the Rule (System), and then click the element.
The following sections provide information about how an SV-10c Systems Event-Trace Description is used in the model.
Create an SV-10c Systems Event-Trace Description from