SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > SysML profile > Blocks > Ports, flow specifications and interface blocks > Full port > Full port (SysML item)
Full port (SysML item)
A Full Port specifies a separate element of the system from the owning block or its internal parts.
Create a Full Port in the following ways:
In a Modeler pane, right-click the Block or Interface Block that is to own the Full Port, point to New, point to SysML, and then click Full Port. You can then select a Block or Interface Block to type the Full Port; create a new Block or Interface Block to type the Full Port; or create an untyped Full Port, for which you can set a type later.
On an Internal Block Diagram:
Click the Full Port button, and then click the diagram background (for the owning Block), the owning Block (if shown), Block Property or port that is to contain the Full Port.
Drag the Block or Interface Block that is to be the Full Port's type from an appropriate pane to the Block (if shown), Block Property or port on the diagram. From the dialog that prompts you to select the type of port, select Full Port, and then click OK.
When you create a Full Port on a Block Property or port, Modeler creates the Full Port as a child of the Block Property's or port's type. The Full Port you see on the diagram is a redefinition that exists in the context shown on the diagram. Redefinitions can be virtual and real - real redefinitions can have some of their properties and links changed independently of the Full Port they redefine. For more information about redefinitions of Full Ports, click here
After creating a Full Port:
You can change its multiplicity, which defaults to 1: right-click the Full Port, point to Set, and then click Multiplicity. On the Full Port's Property Pages, the multiplicity of a Full Port is displayed on the Options tab. A Full Port in context can have a different multiplicity to the Full Port it redefines.
You can specify that it is read-only: right-click the Full Port, point to Set, and then click Read Only.
You can change its type: right-click the Full Port, point to Set, and then click Type, Type (Redefinition Only) or Type (Top Level Definition).
When shown on an Internal Block Diagram, a Full Port's notation is as follows.
If the Full Port's type owns Flow Properties, the Full Port's notation will indicate direction of those Flow Properties:
The Flow Properties all have their direction set to In.
The Flow Properties all have their direction set to Out.
The Flow Properties have their direction set to both In and Out, or at least one Flow Property has its direction set to Inout.
On a Block Definition Diagram, a Full Port can be shown in the fullPorts compartment of a Block or Interface Block. To show the fullPorts compartment, right-click the Block, click Show/Hide Compartments, and then select the fullPorts check box. Note that empty compartments are not shown.
All Full Ports are shown in the Dictionary pane - expand the SysML folder, and then expand the Full Ports folder.
A Full Port is a UML Port (Attribute or Role) that is stereotyped by the «FullPort» stereotype from the SysML profile.
The following sections provide information about how a Full Port is used in the model. For more information about a SysML diagram or item - click it.
Owned by
Interface Block
Actor Connector - the Actor Connector is owned jointly by the Full Port and the associated Actor.
Allocate - the Allocate is owned jointly by the Full Port and the associated item. The access permissions you have to an Allocate are determined by the access permissions you have to the item that is allocated from - you require write access to both items to create or delete an Allocate.
Binding Connector - the Binding Connector is owned jointly by the Full Port and the associated item.
Connector - the Connector is owned jointly by the Full Port and the associated item.
Refine (UML Standard profile) - the Refine relationship is owned jointly by the Full Port and the associated item. The access permissions you have to a Refine relationship are determined by the access permissions you have to the refined item.
Satisfy - the Satisfy relationship is owned jointly by the Full Port and the associated Requirement. The access permissions you have to a Satisfy relationship are determined by the access permissions you have to the Full Port.
Trace (UML Standard profile) - the Trace relationship is owned jointly by the Full Port and the associated item. The access permissions you have to a Trace relationship are determined by the access permissions you have to the item that is traced from.
Verify - the Verify relationship is owned jointly by the Full Port and the associated Requirement. The access permissions you have to a Verify relationship are determined by the access permissions you have to the Full Port.
Shown on these diagrams
Internal Block Diagram
SysML Properties
allocatedFrom - lists source items that are linked through Allocate relationships (on Allocated tab when item is allocated).
allocatedTo - lists target items that are linked through Allocate relationships (on Allocated tab when item is allocated).