Model Parts, Diagrams, Dictionary Items, and Properties > Properties > Multiplicity (property of central buffer, data store, input pin and output pin)
Multiplicity (property of central buffer, data store, input pin and output pin)
For automation interface information about the Multiplicity property, see the automation interface topic for an Object Node in the Related Topics.
This property specifies the multiplicity of the Central Buffer, Data Store, Input Pin and Output Pin.
The multiplicity can be set to:
Zero or one
Zero or more
Only one
One or more
User defined
When shown on an Activity Diagram, the preceding multiplicities are shown as follow:
0-1 (zero or one)
0+ (zero or more)
1 (only one)
1+ (one or more)
0 (Tbd)
the user defined range or value (user define)
By default, the Multiplicity is set to Only One.
This property is set on the Options tab of a Central Buffer's, Data Store's, Input Pin's and Output Pin's Property Pages.
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Multiplicity is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.
Is property of
Central Buffer
Data Store
Input Pin
Output Pin