3. If you selected any of the following reports; Item Details (full or brief), Item Descriptions, Item Catalog, Item/Diagram Cross Reference (used on), Collation of Reports for Each Item, or Item Checks:
a. Click the Dictionary Filter tab.
b. Select the check boxes associated with the item types you want to include in your reports.
To quickly select the item types associated with a specific diagram type, in the Add to Selection by Diagram Type list, select the required diagram type.
4. If you selected any of the following reports; Diagram Details, Diagram Catalog or Diagram Consistency Checking:
a. Click the Diagram Filter tab.
b. Select the check boxes associated with the diagrams you want to include in your reports.
To quickly select all diagrams of a specific type, in the Add to Selection by Diagram Type list, select the required diagram type.
5. If you want to clear the Output pane before generating the report, select the Clear Content Of Output Tab check box.
6. Click Report.
The report is generated in the Output pane in Modeler. You can right-click the Output pane text and then save the text to a file.
The New Report button clears all the check boxes on each tab.