Working With Model Items and Diagrams > Working with model items > Finding items > Find model items dialog - general tab
Find model items dialog - general tab
The General tab of the Find Model Items dialog allows you to specify the name of items to find and the item types to find.
This dialog has the following controls:
Name list—type text by which to search for items in the dictionary.
Match Whole Name option—finds items that have names matching the text in the Name box.
Starts With option—finds items that have names starting with the text in the Name box.
Contains option—finds items that have names containing the text in the Name box.
Match Case check box—specifies that the search is case sensitive.
Add By Diagram Type list—selects in the Selected Types browser, those item types associated with the selected diagram type.
Selected Types browser—specifies item types and Stereotypes that are included in the search.
Select All button—selects all check boxes in the Selected Types browser.
Clear All button—clears all check boxes in the Selected Types browser.
Invert button—inverts the check box selection in the Selected Types browser
Output Results to Results 2 check box—specifies that the results of the search are listed in the Results 2 pane.
Clear Contents of the Target Results tab check box—specifies that the target pane is cleared before listing the results of the search.
Find Now button—searches for items using the search criteria you have set.
Close button—closes the dialog without searching for items.
Help button—opens this topic.