Customization > Automation Interface > Object Attributes and Associations > Class (automation interface)
Class (automation interface)
A Class describes a group of objects that have common properties and behavior.
A Class is the underlying Modeler Automation Interface object for Class, Data Type, Interface and Signal items in Modeler:
A Data Type is a Class object that has its Is Structure attribute set to TRUE.
An Interface is a Class object that has its Is Interface and Is Abstract attributes set to TRUE.
A Signal is a Class object that has its Is Signal attribute set to TRUE.
Note that although a Class object is used to model Class, Data Type, Interface and Signal model items, only Class items are linked to the Dictionary and Package objects through the Class association. Data types, Interfaces and Signals are linked to the Dictionary and Package objects through the UML Data Type, UML Interface and UML Signal associations respectively.
In addition to the common attributes
Attribute Order
A Cr/Lf separated list of ordered Attributes.
Access is read/write.
You can use the ReorderItem function to change the order of the Attributes. For more information, click here
A textual property that gives an overview of the dictionary item.
Access is read/write.
Is Abstract
A string indicating whether the Class object is abstract. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Is Active
A string indicating whether the Class object is active or passive. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Is Interface
A string indicating whether the Class object is an Interface item in Modeler. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Is Persistent
A string indicating whether the Class object is Persistent. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Is Signal
A string indicating whether the Class object is a Signal item in Modeler. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Is Structure
A string indicating whether the Class object is a Data Type item in Modeler. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Is Template Specialization
A string indicating whether the Class object is a Template Specialization. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Is Union
A string indicating whether the Class object is a Union. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Operation Order
A Cr/Lf separated list of ordered Operations.
Access is read/write.
You can use the ReorderItem function to change the order of the Operations. For more information, click here
Comma separated list of formal Parameters of a template class.
Access is read/write.
Superseded by Is Persistent. The Persistent attribute remains for backward compatibility.
Access is read/write.
Reception Order
A Cr/Lf separated list of ordered Receptions.
Access is read/write.
You can use the ReorderItem function to change the order of the Receptions. For more information, click here
Template Class
String indicating whether this is a template class. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Template Specialization Parameters
Comma separated list of actual Parameters of a template specialization.
Access is read/write.
In addition to the common associations
Action Node
Relationship to Action Nodes (Send Signal Actions only) that use the Signal as their Linked Item.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Applied Comment
Relationship to Comments that are applied to the Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Applied Constraint
Relationship to Constraints that are applied to the Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Associated Item
Used by the AddDirected function to add an Association (item) between the Class object and another valid item.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is write only.
A relationship with dictionary items of type Association.
The following example demonstrates how to create an Association between two Classes.
'create the two classes
Set objSourceClass = Dictionary.Add("Class", "Class A")
Set objTargetClass = Dictionary.Add("Class", "Class B")
'create a new association between this class and the other
Set Association1 = Dictionary.Add("Association", "Associates")
Association1("Navigation") = "start-end"
Association1("Aggregate") = "None"
'create a role for this end and attach this class
Set StartRole = Dictionary.Add("Role", "start")
StartRole("Association End") = "start"
StartRole.Add "Class", objSourceClass
StartRole.Add "Association", Association1
StartRole("Multiplicity") = "0+"
'create the role object for the other end
Set EndRole = Dictionary.Add("Role", "end")
EndRole("Association End") = "end"
EndRole.Add "Class", objTargetClass
EndRole.Add "Association", Association1
EndRole("Multiplicity") = "1"
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
A collection of dictionary items of type Attribute.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Best Part Equivalent
When used with the Item, ItemEx or Items function, returns the Part that is the nearest equivalent part to the item that is specified as the index for the function. Note that virtual redefinitions inherit their properties from real redefinitions.
See also, Part Equivalent.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
Category or Package
Relationship to scoping Package.
Multiplicity is 0-1, access is read/write.
Classifier Behaviour
Relationship to Activities that are invoked when an instance of the Class object is created.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Contained Class
A collection of owned Class items (which are Class objects).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Contained Class Like
A collection of owned Class, Data Type, Interface and Signal items (which are Class objects).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Contained Data Type
A collection of owned Data Type items (which are Class objects).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Contained Exception
A collection of owned Exceptions.
Multiplicity is 0-1, access is read/write.
Contained Interface
A collection of owned Interface items (which are Class objects).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Contained Signal
A collection of owned Signal items (which are Class objects).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Contained Use Case
A collection of owned Use Cases.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Contained Typedef
A collection of Type Definitions that are owned by the Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of dictionary items of type Generalization.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Inherited Association
A collection of Associations that the Class object inherits.
Note that Associations that are directly linked to the Class object are not included in this collection. See Local Association.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
A collection of instances of this Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
IO Flow
A collection of IO Flows for which the Class object is used as the IO Item.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Local Association
A collection of Associations that are linked to the Class object.
Note that Associations that the Class object inherits are not included in this collection. See Inherited Association.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
A collection of dictionary items of type Operation that the Class owns.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Owned Activity
A relationship to Activity items that are owned by the Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Owned Comment
Relationship to Comments that are owned by the Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Owned Constraint
Relationship to Constraints that are owned by the Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Owned Reception
A collection of Receptions that are owned by the Class object (Class or Interface item).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of Parts (Attributes and Roles) that are contained by the Class object.
You must use the AddDirected function to add a Part through this association.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Part Equivalent
When used with the Item, ItemEx or Items function, returns the Part redefinition (if there is one) for the Part specified as the index for the function.
When used with the AddDirected function, creates a Part redefinition of the Part specified as the index for the function.
See also, Best Part Equivalent.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Parent Association
A relationship with a Dictionary Item of type Association for a Class object which is a Link Class.
Multiplicity is 0-1, access is read/write.
A collection of Ports (Attributes and Roles) that are contained by the Class object.
You must use the AddDirected function to add a Port through this association.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Receives Events
A collection of Events received by this Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
A collection of dictionary items of type Role.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Sends Events
A collection of Events sent by this Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
Signal Reception
A collection of Receptions for which the Class object is the received Class object (Signal item only).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Sourced Flows
A collection of IO Flows for which the Class object is the source.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of dictionary items of type Specialization.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
State Machine
Relationship to State Machines that are owned by the Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Storage Model
A collection of related items in the Data Model as a result of storage mapping.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Sub Class
A collection of Class objects that are specialized from the Class object.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
Super Class
A collection of Class objects from which the Class object is specialized.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
Targeted Flows
A collection of IO Flows for which the Class object is the target.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Ternary Role
A collection of dictionary items of type Ternary Role.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Typed Attribute
A collection of Attributes for which the Class object is the type.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Typed Operation
A collection of Operations for which the Class object is the return type.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Typed Parameter
A collection of Parameters for which the Class object is the datatype.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of Type Definitions for which the Class object is part.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Note that you must use Typedef, not Type Definition.