Customization > Automation Interface > Object Attributes and Associations > Actor (automation interface)
Actor (automation interface)
An Actor is anything outside the system to which the system interfaces. An Actor can be a person, a group of persons, an organization, another system or a piece of equipment.
In addition to the common attributes
A textual property that gives an overview of the dictionary item.
Access is read/write.
In addition to the common associations
Applied Comment
Relationship to Comments that are applied to the Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Applied Constraint
Relationship to Constraints that are applied to the Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Associated Item
Used by the AddDirected function to add an Association (item) between the Actor and another valid item.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is write only.
Association End
A relationship with Associations that start from the Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Association Start
A relationship with Associations that end at the Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Category or Package
Relationship to scoping Package.
Multiplicity is 0-1, access is read/write.
Child State Machine
Relationship to State Machines that are owned by the Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Classifier Behaviour
Relationship to Activities that are invoked when an instance of the Actor is created.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
External Connector
A collection of External Connectors associated with an actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of Generalizations associated with an actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Inherited Association
A collection of Associations that the Actor inherits.
Note that Associations that are directly linked to the Actor are not included in this collection. See Local Association.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
Local Association
A collection of Associations that are linked to the Actor.
Note that Associations that the Actor inherits are not included in this collection. See Inherited Association.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read-only.
Owned Activity
A relationship to Activity items that are owned by the Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Owned Comment
Relationship to Comments that are owned by the Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Owned Constraint
Relationship to Constraints that are owned by the Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
P2p Connection End
A collection of Point-to-Point Connections where the actor is the destination of the connection.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Note that you must use P2p Connection End, not Point to Point Connection End.
P2p Connection Start
A collection of Point-to-Point Connections where the actor is the source of the connection.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Note that you must use P2p Connection Start, not Point to Point Connection Start.
Sourced Flows
A collection of IO Flows for which the Actor is the source.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Targeted Flows
A collection of IO Flows for which the Actor is the target.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Use Case
A collection of Use Cases used by this Actor.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.