UML Modeling Techniques > System architecture modeling > Migrating system architecture diagrams to structure diagrams > Mapping information > System architecture diagram and item mapping (System Architecture Migration utility)
System architecture diagram and item mapping (System Architecture Migration utility)
This topic describes how the System Architecture Diagrams and their items are migrated to Composite Structure Diagrams and their items.
Standard Properties migrated for System Architecture Diagram and Item Mapping
For the System Architecture Diagram and all migrated item types, the following standard properties are always migrated:
Text tab properties (creates for migrated type if required)
Applied Stereotypes and Tag Definitions (redefines Stereotypes if required)
Tagged Values
If System Architecture Diagram items are used as model object references in rich text, those model object references are recoded to reference the migrated items.
If System Architecture Diagram items are referenced by symbols on Activity Diagrams or General Graphic Diagrams, those symbols are recoded to reference the migrated items.
The System Architecture Migration Utility cannot change published Tag Definitions. If you have Tag Definitions that reference System Architecture Diagram items, those references will be lost.
System architecture diagram
A System Architecture Diagram maps to a Composite Structure Diagram.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, no other properties are migrated.
Actor migration is not required. Actor symbols are added to Composite Structure Diagrams as required.
A Board maps to a Part (Role) that is stereotyped by the «board»stereotype. The Part is scoped to the Class that is created for the Board’s parent item (the Model or Package that owns the diagram, or a Subsystem).
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Base Address
Tagged value of baseAddress tag definition
Board Type
Data Type
Number of Instances
Multiplicity (blank value is migrated as tbd)
A Board can be linked to a Package and a Task. These links are migrated through the tagged values of the associatedPackage and Tasktag definitions.
If the Board does not have a Board Type, the System Architecture Migration Utility creates a Class to use as the Data Type. The name of the Class is as follows:
$Board Type_Fabricated<integer to make unique>
Board io device
A Board IO Device maps to a Part (Role) that is stereotyped by the «board IO device» stereotype. The Part is scoped to the Part that is created for the owning Board Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Board IO Device Type
Data Type
Interrupt Level
Tagged value of interuptLevel tag definition
Tagged value of IRQ tag definition
Memory End
Tagged value of memoryEnd tag definition
Memory Size
Tagged value of memorySize tag definition
Memory Start
Number of Instances
Multiplicity (blank value is migrated as tbd)
Port Address
Tagged value of portAddress tag definition
If the Board IO Device does not have a Board IO Device Type, the System Architecture Migration Utility creates a Class to use as the Data Type. The name of the Class is as follows:
$Board Io Device Type_Fabricated<integer to make unique>
Board io device type
A Board IO Device Type maps to a Class that is stereotyped by the «board IO device» stereotype. The Class is scoped to the Package or Model that owned the Board IO Device Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, no other properties are migrated.
Board type
A Board Type maps to a Class that is stereotyped by the «board» stereotype. The Class is scoped to the Package or Model that owned the Board Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, no other properties are migrated.
A Disk maps to a Part (Role) that is stereotyped by the «disk» stereotype. The Part is scoped to the Class that is created for the Disk's parent item (the Model or Package that owns the diagram, or a Subsystem).
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Disk Type
Data Type
Number of Instances
Multiplicity (blank value is migrated as tbd)
Size (inherited from type)
Tagged value of size tag definition
Speed (inherited from type)
Tagged value of speed tag definition
If the Disk does not have a Disk Type, the System Architecture Migration Utility creates a Class to use as the Data Type. The name of the Class is as follows:
$Disk Type_Fabricated<integer to make unique>
Disk type
A Disk Type maps to a Class that is stereotyped by the «disk» stereotype. The Class is scoped to the Package or Model that owned the Disk Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Tagged value of size tag definition
Tagged value of speed tag definition
A Drop maps to an Association that is stereotyped by the «drop» stereotype. The Association links the appropriate migrated items on the Composite Structure Diagram.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Association Type
Event (dictionary item)
Event migration is not required.
Event Message
An Event Message maps to an IO Flow that is stereotyped by the «event flow» stereotype.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Tagged value of isIterative tag definition
Actual Parameters
Tagged value of actualParameters tag definition
Tagged value of returnName tag definition
Sequence Number
Tagged value of sequenceNumber tag definition
External connector
An External Connector maps to an Association that is stereotyped by the «externalConnector» stereotype. The Association links the appropriate migrated items on the Composite Structure Diagram.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Association Type
Interface device
An Interface Device maps to a Part (Role) that is stereotyped by the «interface device» stereotype. The Part is scoped to the Class that is created for the Interface Device's parent item (the Model or Package that owns the diagram, or a Subsystem).
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Interface Device Type
Data Type
Number of Instances
Multiplicity (blank value is migrated as tbd)
if the Interface Device does not have an Interface Device Type, the System Architecture Migration Utility creates a Class to use as the Data Type. The name of the Class is as follows:
$Interface Device Type_Fabricated<integer to make unique>
Interface device type
An Interface Device Type maps to a Class that is stereotyped by the «interface device» stereotype. The Class is scoped to the Package or Model that owned the Interface Device Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, no other properties are migrated.
A Memory maps to a Part (Role) that is stereotyped by the «memory» stereotype. The Part is scoped to the Part that is created for the owning Board Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Dual Ported (inherited from type)
Tagged value of isDualPorted tag definition
Memory End
Tagged value of memoryEnd tag definition
Memory Size
Tagged value of memorySize tag definition
Memory Start
Tagged value of memoryStart tag definition
Memory Type
Data Type
Number of Instances
Multiplicity (blank value is migrated as tbd)
Persistent (inherited from type)
Tagged value of nonVolatile tag definition
Speed (inherited from type)
Tagged value of Speed tag definition
Writeable (inherited from type)
Tagged value of isWriteable tag definition
If the Memory does not have a Memory Type, the System Architecture Migration Utility creates a Class to use as the Data Type. The name of the Class is as follows:
$Memory Type_Fabricated<integer to make unique>
Memory type
A Memory Type maps to a Class that is stereotyped by the «memory» stereotype. The Class is scoped to the Package or Model that owned the Memory Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Dual Ported
Tagged value of isDualPorted tag definition
Tagged value of nonVolatile tag definition
Tagged value of Speed tag definition
Tagged value of isWriteable tag definition
If the Model owns System Architecture Diagram instances (Boards, Disks, Interface Devices, Multidrop Busses or Subsystems), the Model maps to a Class. The Class owns the Parts that are created for the System Architecture Diagram instances. The name of the Class is as follows:
$<model name>_context
Multidrop Bus
A Multidrop Bus maps to a Part (Role) that is stereotyped by the «multidropBus» stereotype. The Part is scoped to the Class that is created for the Multidrop Bus's parent item (the Model or Package that owns the diagram, or a Subsystem).
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Multidrop Bus Type
Data Type
Number of Instances
Multiplicity (blank value is migrated as tbd)
Protocol (inherited from type)
Tagged value of protocol tag definition
Speed (inherited from type)
Tagged value of speed tag definition
Width (inherited from type)
Tagged value of size tag definition
If the Multidrop Bus does not have a Multidrop Bus Type, the System Architecture Migration Utility creates a Class to use as the Data Type. The name of the Class is as follows:
$Multidrop Bus Type_Fabricated<integer to make unique>
Multidrop Bus type
A Multidrop Bus Type maps to a Class that is stereotyped by the «multidropBus» stereotype. The Class is scoped to the Package or Model that owned the Multidrop Bus Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Tagged value of protocol tag definition
Tagged value of speed tag definition
Tagged value of size tag definition
If a Package owns System Architecture Diagram instances (Boards, Disks, Interface Devices, Multidrop Busses or Subsystems), the Package maps to a Class. The Class owns the Parts that are created for the System Architecture Diagram instances. The name of the Class is as follows:
$<package name>_context
Point to point connection
A Point to Point Connection maps to an Association that is stereotyped by the «p2pConnection» stereotype. The Association links the appropriate migrated items on the Composite Structure Diagram.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Association Type
Point to Point Connection Type
Tagged value of p2pType tag definition (references the Point to Point Connection Type)
Protocol (inherited from type)
Tagged value of protocol tag definition
Speed (inherited from type)
Tagged value of speed tag definition
Width (inherited from type)
Tagged value of size tag definition
Point-to-point connection type
A Point to Point Connection maps to a Class that is stereotyped by the «p2pConnection» stereotype. The Class is scoped to the Package or Model that owned the Point to Point Connection Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Tagged value of protocol tag definition
Tagged value of speed tag definition
Tagged value of size tag definition
A Processor maps to a Part (Role) that is stereotyped by the «processor» stereotype. The Part is scoped to the Part that is created for the owning Board Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Clock Speed (inherited from type)
Tagged value of clockSpeed tag definition
Memory End
Tagged value of memoryEnd tag definition
Memory Size
Tagged value of memorySize tag definition
Memory Start
Tagged value of memoryStart tag definition
Number of Instances
Multiplicity (blank value is migrated as tbd)
Processor Type
Data Type
If the Processor does not have a Processor Type, the System Architecture Migration Utility creates a Class to use as the Data Type. The name of the Class is as follows:
$Processor Type_Fabricated<integer to make unique>
Processor type
A Processor Type maps to a Class that is stereotyped by the «processor» stereotype. The Class is scoped to the Package or Model that owned the Processor Type.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Clock Speed
Tagged value of clockSpeed tag definition
A Subsystem maps to a Part (Role) and a Class, both of which are stereotyped by the «subsystem» stereotype:
The Part is scoped to the Class that is created for the Subsystem's parent item (the Model or Package that owns the diagram, or a Subsystem).
The Part's type is the Class that is created for the Subsystem.
In addition to the standard properties mentioned above, the following properties are migrated:
Migrated to
Number of Instances
Multiplicity of Part (blank value is migrated as tbd)
If the Subsystem owns any State Diagrams or Activity Diagrams, the System Architecture Migration Utility makes the diagrams child diagrams of the migrated Class for that Subsystem.